Furnace Won’t Turn, Troubleshooting Your Furnace

When your home in Pennsville Township, NJ furnace won’t turn on, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue before calling a professional technician (856) 351-5284.

Here are some simple fixes you can try:

  1. Check the Thermostat:
    • Make sure the thermostat is set to “Heat” mode.
    • Verify that the display is active and set to the desired temperature.
    • Dust off the thermostat and ensure it’s level and securely attached to the wall.
    • If you suspect thermostat programming issues, bypass them by manually setting the desired temperature.
  2. Ensure the Gas Is Turned On:
    • Locate the gas valve or gas cock near the furnace (usually within 6 feet).
    • Check if the valve is open. Some valves have a small handle or lever.
    • Confirm that the front panel covering the blower motor is securely fastened.
  3. Check the Breaker and Shut-Off Switches:
    • Look for a standard wall switch near the furnace.
    • Verify that the circuit breaker or fuse for the furnace is functioning.
    • Ensure the blower motor panel is properly closed (there’s a push-in switch underneath).
  4. Inspect the Air Filter:
    • A clogged air filter can prevent the furnace from turning on.
    • Replace the filter if it’s dirty or obstructed.
  5. Check for a Tripped Circuit Breaker:
    • Inspect the circuit breaker panel for any tripped breakers related to the furnace.
    • Reset the breaker if needed.
  6. Inspect the Pilot Light (for Gas Furnaces):
    • If you have a gas furnace, check if the pilot light is lit.
    • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to relight it if necessary.
  7. Look for Error Codes or Warning Lights:
    • Some furnaces display error codes or have warning lights.
    • Refer to your furnace manual to interpret any messages.
  8. Inspect the Flame Sensor (for Gas Furnaces):
    • A dirty flame sensor can cause the furnace to shut off.
    • Locate the flame sensor (usually near the burners) and clean it gently with fine sandpaper.

Remember, safety first! If you’re unsure or encounter more complex issues, it’s best to consult a professional HVAC technician (856) 351-5284. Stay warm! 🌡️❄️

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